This is what passes for dinner conversation in our house... Miss M was away for the evening at a sleep-over party on Friday night (lucky girl!), so at dinner-time B had the parents All To Himself. I think he was practically falling over himself with the pure joy of it. {& no, we didn't lose the baby, he was in bed}.
Tomas suggested that we play a game. We are always up for one of his games because they are fun, and you tend to learn something along the way. Double greatness as far as I'm concerned.
Here's how this one went. Looking at some of the dishes at the table, we each had to guess when and where said dish was invented. After dinner we would open Le Google and find out who was right.
The prize for the winner? This is the best part -- A piece of chocolate from Ingeborg's in Solvang, CA. Possibly the best chocolate I've ever tasted, and my father-in-law (who truly knows about such things) insists that it tastes exactly like the handmade chocolates he ate in Denmark as a child. Heavenly.
Super idee de jeu pour le diner, on apprend plein de choses, et le prix m'a l'air tout a fait delicieux...
Posted by: Dorothee | February 22, 2007 at 02:10 PM