All winter long we day-dreamed about the garden. We drew up plans, scoured seed catalogs, browsed a gazillion websites. There are few things I enjoy more than planning day-dreaming - my wish list of things I'd like to do around the house is pretty extensive - we just don't have the funds right now, so I guess it's a good thing I enjoy the planning phase just as much! I'm so glad the weather is warm enough now to get started on the out-doors :-)
Inspired by my colleagues at Super Eco, I asked Tomas if he could build me some raised beds so we could have fresh veggies all summer long. It was a great opportunity to get the kids involved, too, with loads of measuring & fun calculations - for some reason none of us could get our heads around the concept of a cubic square foot - and lovely dirt to dig into.
Next up is a vote on what to plant!
Great idea! Have you seen NWF's newest web site, Garden for Wildlife? There are some great tips there that you and your kids might like!
Posted by: Anne Keisman | April 17, 2009 at 06:08 AM
Anne, you know I'm a HUGE fan, so thank you for the new link. I was thrilled to discover the Schoolyard Habitats program and am sending this link on to my kids' school right away:
Posted by: Veronique Christensen | April 17, 2009 at 06:18 AM
I love this idea because it gets the kids involved, and they'll remember it always.
Posted by: Seedplanter | April 21, 2009 at 10:03 PM
yay for raised beds! :^)
Posted by: Lori | May 28, 2009 at 06:01 PM
An absolute treasury of ideas and experiences!
Posted by: nono | July 06, 2009 at 01:35 PM